
This article discusses proxy votes or ideas portal custom domains. You need to be an Ideas Advanced customer to access these features. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or would like to try using it in your account. If your Aha! account was created before October 20, 2020, you may have access to these integrations, but you will need to upgrade to Ideas Advanced for any future enhancements.

Aha! Roadmaps | Import ideas and contacts

Ideas portals in Aha! allow you to manage the feedback you receive in records called ideas. You can connect ideas directly to your strategy and planning efforts, promote them to backlogs or strategic initiatives, and discuss them internally — or with the community of contacts in your ideas portal.

If you come to Aha! Roadmaps with a collection of ideas already, you will want to import those records and the associated contacts into your new ideas portal. Aha! has two ways to do this: by CSV import or from UserVoice.

We recommend that you import contacts before you import ideas, so that Aha! can associate imported ideas with pre-existing contacts.

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Import ideas by CSV

Wherever you collected feedback formerly, it is likely that you can export your information in the form of a CSV file. Use the Aha! CSV import wizard to import ideas, idea votes, contacts, or idea organizations.

Notes on the CSV import:

  • When you import contacts, Aha! Roadmaps will give you the option to send them an invitation email. This allows the users to opt-in to the new portal by creating a login associated with their email address. We have made this step optional since you may not want to email your entire list of users.

  • Each CSV import applies to a single ideas portal. If you have multiple portals in Aha!, create a separate import file for each.

  • You will not be able to import a CSV file that contains duplicate emails or emails of users that already exist in that portal. If you see a "Contact already exists" error displayed upon import, remove that user from the CSV file and try again.

  • Upon import, you will be able to review the ideas before making them visible to the public. Their default visibility status will match the visibility setting for the type of user who created them. You can bulk edit the ideas to change their status faster.

  • Choose Idea votes to import proxy votes. Choose a portal, and whether you would like to email the vote Creator — the person voting on behalf of the organization. To import a proxy vote, you must include an Idea where the vote should be added, and an Organization to link the vote to. If you want to email the vote creator, include their email address in the Creator field

  • Choose Ideas organizations to import organizations. You can import organizations, but you can not yet import organization contacts. Note: Remember, any organizations you import will be accessible from any private portal in your Aha! account that has proxy voting enabled.


Import ideas from UserVoice

The Import from UserVoice tool allows you to shift your ideas portal from UserVoice feedback to Aha! Roadmaps — including both the records themselves and the users associated with them. You can import the following information:

  • Idea name

  • Idea status

  • Portal users

  • Idea votes

  • Idea comments

To import from UserVoice:

  1. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Import from UserVoice.

  2. Choose the workspace that the UserVoice ideas will be imported to.

  3. Choose the ideas portal that the UserVoice ideas will be imported to.

  4. Enter your UserVoice credentials. Note: the UserVoice domain field just needs your subdomain; you can omit the ".uservoice.com" part of the URL.

  5. Click the Test connection button to connect Aha! Roadmaps to UserVoice.

  6. Configure field mapping between UserVoice suggestion statuses and Aha! Roadmaps idea statuses. You can configure Aha! with custom statuses to match what you have in UserVoice. Or you can map the existing UserVoice statuses to new Aha! Roadmaps statuses.

  7. Click the Import button to complete the import.

Notes on the UserVoice import:

  • We recommend that you use this import as a one-time process to transfer records from UserVoice to Aha! Roadmaps — with the idea being that your Aha! Roadmaps ideas portal will be your only ideas portal going forward. If you complete this import more than once, you risk duplicating ideas that exist in both imports, as the import will not recognize or avoid duplicates.

  • When you import UserVoice ideas into Aha! Roadmaps, the ideas will all be set as private. You can use the create a list report in Aha! to bulk edit the ideas and change their visibility after they have been imported.

  • Aha! will only import new users. This is to keep Aha! Roadmaps from importing duplicate users if it determines that a UserVoice user already exists as an Aha! user.

  • When users are imported, Aha! Roadmaps does not automatically send out an invite email. This allows you to import ideas with their associated users and not email every user at the same time of the import. Your users will exist in Aha! Roadmaps after the import, however, so they can access your portal and reset their password to access the ideas within your Aha! ideas portal. You can manage your users in the Users tab of your portal settings.

  • Votes that are anonymous are not copied to Aha! Roadmaps because we cannot associate them with a user. This can happen when a user deleted themselves from UserVoice after placing a vote.


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