May 8, 2020 release notes
This week, we announced scenario planning for Enterprise+ customers. You can now estimate work in different ways and create alternate scenarios to understand tradeoffs. You also have the ability to copy data from an advanced estimate from one scenario to another.

Our recorded tutorial videos are now available from the main page and video section of our knowledge base.
The capacity report for teams now supports scenario configurations with a team by time estimate layout.
We have added information about release phase comments to our API documentation.
Description fields can now be used in calculation columns on a list report.
Links between Aha! records and custom table records can now be created via the CSV importer.
We improved the performance of ideas portals with a high volume of ideas, votes, and comments.
Customers with a very large number of releases will see increased speed when selecting a release from the configuration toolbar.
On the Gantt chart, if you had a dependency between a milestone and a phase that spanned a weekend and you hid weekends, an issue was preventing the dependency line from displaying properly.