October 2, 2020 release notes
This week, we made the new designs for record drawer and details views live for all Aha! users. We also launched a new custom layout builder so you can fully customize the way tabs and fields are organized in those views.

When you organize notes into a nested hierarchy, the parent note shows a preview of all its child notes. We have improved that preview's formatting if the child note includes tables or custom styling.
We have added a new section to ideas portal settings called Related settings. Users with access to an ideas portal's settings can now quickly navigate to Idea categories, Idea statuses, and Idea custom fields without losing their place. Navigate to Portal settings Content Related settings to try it out!
We have also updated the ideas terminology section of ideas portal settings. Labels now clarify which terminology setting applies to each field in the ideas form layout.
In the field mapping step of an Azure DevOps integration configuration, we have added the ability for you to map Azure DevOps pick list field options to Aha! records.