March 6, 2020 release notes
This week, we added the ability for you to crop and change the shape of images in Aha! presentations.

You can now add the Workspace type field to reports and roadmaps as a data element or as a filter.
Worksheet equations will now reflect changes to custom fields on related records automatically.
We have updated your default notes templates to include table background colors.
The CSV import wizard will now help you make sure you have selected required columns. It will require you to have at least one field mapping selected before you can start the import, and now stops importing after it reaches the 10th error so you can address issues more quickly.
Integrations reports now allow you to add related record types to the report, and includes a column for Last error at.
In conjunction with the recent Azure DevOps Services authentication update, Azure DevOps Services integrations now require a personal access token.
When a pivot table referenced records with multiple custom table fields, and one of those fields was displayed in the pivot's rows, an issue was causing all custom table records to display on the pivot report.