May 14, 2020 release notes
This week, we gave the Aha! search engine a major upgrade. The new search modal makes it easier to search by record name, ID, or related text to find the records you need. Quickly access the last 20 records you viewed in the Recent tab.

We’ve redesigned the workflow creation flow in Settings ⚙️ Account Statuses and workflows. Now any workflow you create for a given record type can be used as that record type's workflow by any workspace in your account. When you create a workflow, you can start with an example using workspace-specific terminology or create one from scratch. You can also use the Set defaults button to set default workflows, by record type and workspace type, for your account.
In Aha! presentations, you can now choose to remove the Legend from a pivot table or custom roadmap. This legend appears automatically whenever you include a Color by filter. You can remove it from your presentation slides by clicking on the Aha! view in the slide, then unselecting Legend from the Visible fields section of the slide editor sidebar.
We have extended the capabilities of the recycle bin. From Settings ⚙️ Account Recycle bin, administrators with customization permissions can restore workspaces and records that have been deleted within the last seven days. Previously, the restore capability was only available to items that were bulk deleted.
When you select a workspace or personal note, it will be bolded in the notes hierarchy.
Aha! will warn you if you attempt to delete a note that has been shared in a presentation.
You can now delete attachments through the Aha! API.
You can now attach .mp4 videos to ideas submitted through ideas portals.
Integration mappings that send a Constant value to the development tool would not send the constant value when syncing new records into Aha! or when linking to an existing record in the development system.
When an advanced capacity planning estimate's Duration dates were set to Copy from record, an issue was preventing you from updating the estimate's dates from the Unscheduled section of the capacity report for teams.