June 7, 2024 release notes
New to Aha! Whiteboards
Quickly search for and add existing records (such as ideas, features, and initiatives) to your whiteboard while actively working on it.

See what else is new:
Aha! Roadmaps
You can now customize the font size on custom roadmaps.
Enterprise+ plan customers can now add and remove custom roles via the Aha! REST API.
Slack #channel mentions and user @mentions will now carry over into Aha! Roadmaps when adding a comment to a record via the Slack app.
We repaired an issue that was preventing custom fields from carrying over to the new release when copying a release phase.
We repaired an issue that was preventing key results from appearing in search results within Aha! accounts with OKRs enabled.
We repaired an issue preventing tags from being saved when adding a new requirement to a feature.
Aha! Knowledge
Headings in published knowledge bases now have automatically generated anchor links. Visitors to your knowledge base can navigate directly to a section on the page by adding #[header-text] to the page's URL.