
Aha! Roadmaps | Dependency report

The Aha! Roadmaps dependency report shows you how work is related by visualizing complex record relationships in a single, customizable view. This is separate from the dependency map, which visualizes a single record's dependencies.

The dependency report allows you to view dependencies for multiple objects at once, such as viewing all of the dependencies for every feature within your upcoming release.

Do you want to chart this data or visualize it in a custom roadmap? Customize the roadmap to Show dependency lines, or use the [Record type] record links and Linked [record type] tables to visualize and analyze linked records.Click any of the following links to skip ahead:

Create a dependency report

Navigate to Roadmaps Dependency to access the dependency report. You will be prompted to select the record types you wish to visualize.

The dependency report is hidden by default for new Aha! Roadmaps accounts. If you would like to enable them, you can do so by customizing your menu navigation.

Dependency report showing features and their dependencies.

Before you make selections here, it can be useful to think about how the Aha! Roadmaps report model works. Reports are built around relationships between record types, and the order you add related record types to your report matters. As you work through the dependency report builder, try experimenting with different record types, and see how it affects the report you create.

To create your dependency report, select data for it:

  • Primary record type: Select the record type you would like to base your report around.

  • Dependency type: Select the type of dependency you want to visualize.

  • Dependent record type: Select the record type you want to visualize through dependencies that relate to the Primary record type.

  • Workspace: Focus your data around a particular workspace or group of workspaces.

Click Save to create your report!


Customize your dependency report

After clicking Save, the dependency report will be populated based on the data you selected. If your primary records contain dependencies to multiple different record types, such as other features as well as goals and initiatives, the record type selected as your Dependent record type will be listed out. All other dependent records will be summarized as Other records.

With your dependencies visualized, you can add additional data through the Add column data button or add filters through the Add column filter button. This is a great way to add information, such as the status or release data of dependent records, as well as filter the information to only include records related to a key upcoming effort.

You can add data to the report for both primary and dependent records.

Finally, you can choose to show or Hide other record counts by clicking the Customize view dropdown on the Dependent records column. If you show other record counts, the dependency report will display a count of records outside of your initial selection that also relate to your Primary record type, including links to access those records


Set a default dependency report

The best saved views drive consistency across your team — or your entire organization. Workspace owners can set default views at the workspace or workspace line levels, so that everyone is using the agreed upon standard. To set defaults more broadly, you can set them at the workspace line level, so that child workspaces can inherit the defaults.

To set a default view, first Save one. Then navigate to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Default views and configure your new default.

A user will see your default view if they do not already have a working copy of a view on that page, or if they click Views Reset to default view.

If you update your default view and Save it again, that update will be reflected for anyone who views the default.


Share your dependency report

Once your dependency report is ready, click Save to name it, save it, and adjust viewing permissions. You can share it with your stakeholders by selecting one of the export options under the Share menu on the top right of the page.

  • To fold your report into a presentation, select Add to presentation. In your presentation, you can select the report's update frequency.

  • To add your report to a dashboard, select Add to dashboard. Dashboards combine several Aha! Roadmaps views into one page to tell a complete story about your plans and progress.

  • To invite people outside of your Aha! Roadmaps account to view your report, select Share as webpage.

  • To schedule recurring email delivery of your report, select Schedule email delivery.

  • For a static version of your report, export your report to PNG image or PDF document.


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