
Aha! Roadmaps | Duplicate data errors

In most cases, once you save your Jira integration configuration in Aha! Roadmaps, you are ready to go — no further configuration needed.

We have gathered some of the most common issues with record and data duplication here, along with recommended solutions.

Often the best place to start in most of these situations is the integration log messages for your configuration. Those messages will help diagnose and solve the problem.

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Duplicate Aha! Roadmaps records


You have a two-way 2.0 integration between Aha! Roadmaps and Jira and you have configured the status field to be a two-way sync.

When you push records from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira, you notice that duplicate records are created in Aha! Roadmaps and your integration logs contain an error that looks like this:

No valid transition to status [####] for issue [prefix-###]

(where [####] is the number of the specific status and [prefix-####] is the issue ID of the record).


When you send a record from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira for the first time, the following happens:

  • We create a record in Jira.

  • We update that record with the information from Aha! Roadmaps

This is usually done nearly instantly from an end-user perspective, you see a record created with all the information from Aha! Roadmaps.

However, in this scenario, you have configured your status sync to be a two-way integration, and status transitions in Jira that are failing to allow us to sync status from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira correctly.

2.0 integrations allow you to configure the directionality of every field mapping, so it is possible to make status a two-way sync. But our default integration mapping is that status is a one-way Jira to Aha! Roadmaps sync.

The problem that arises when syncing status from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira is that while Aha! Roadmaps lets users transition statuses however they want, Jira is often configured so statuses can only transition in a specific way. For example, assume you have three feature statuses:

  • In progress

  • In review

  • Complete

Aha! Roadmaps lets a user skip directly from In progress to Complete, but Jira might require a user to move a record from In progress to In review before the record can be moved to Complete.

When Aha! Roadmaps tries to sync that to Jira, it fails because Jira reports that status jump as an invalid transition. That is why we default to, and recommend, making status a one-way sync.

So in the case of a two-ways status sync, here is what happens when you send a new record from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira:

  • We create the record in Jira.

  • We update the record with information in Aha! Roadmaps — and this fails because Jira blocks us from appropriately setting the status.

  • The integration considers the overall sync a failure but the record was still created in Jira. So Jira picks this up in the webhook and sends it back to Aha! Roadmaps.

  • Aha! Roadmaps sees that no record in Aha! Roadmaps is integrated with this Jira record and subsequently creates a new copy in Aha! Roadmaps — thus the duplication.


The fix here is either to set statuses to be a one-way Jira to Aha! Roadmaps sync.

Alternatively, you can dive into the workflow of statuses in Jira and ensure that your statuses all have valid transitions between one another so that Aha! Roadmaps doesn't run into problems when trying to sync statuses from Aha! Roadmaps to Jira.


Duplicate attachments


Attachments you add in Aha! Roadmaps are duplicated multiple times in Jira.


Aha! Roadmaps can only set fields via the API that are visible on the Edit screen in the Jira user interface. It is likely that the Attachments field is not visible in your Jira user interface.

Screens in Jira define what fields are available when creating, editing, or viewing a Jira issue. Each of those actions can have a different Screen assigned. So, for example, a field could be visible when viewing an issue but not actually visible when creating or editing the issue.

This causes a problem (and a lot of confusion) because Aha! Roadmaps needs the field visible on Create and Edit screens to communicate through the API. However, you might assume that the field is visible because you can see it when you View the issue.


You need to add the Attachments field to the Edit screen in Jira.


Duplicate comments


Whenever Aha! Roadmaps syncs with Jira, you see duplicate comments coming from Jira to Aha! Roadmaps.


You likely have two webhooks configured or you have installed the Atlassian Connect Aha! plugin as well as using the direct Jira integration.

As long as the webhook run as user has workspace owner or contributor permissions to all workspaces in Aha! Roadmaps that are integrating with Jira, only a single webhook needs to be configured in Jira. Many companies will choose to add an integration user to their Aha! Roadmaps account for this purpose.


If you are using the plain Jira integration as part of that installation, you will add the webhook to Jira. If you also installed the Aha! Roadmaps plugin in your Jira instance, you now have two webhooks because the plugin has the webhook.

You should remove the duplicate webhook or uninstall the Aha! Roadmaps plugin from Jira. That will solve the duplicated comments. After the issue is resolved, duplicate comments can be removed as needed in Aha! Roadmaps by an administrator.

If you are a Jira via Connect user, you need to convert your integration to a Jira Cloud integration. Please contact our Customer Success team so they can help you convert your integration to Jira Cloud.


If you get stuck, please reach out to our Customer Success team. Our team is made up entirely of product experts and responds fast.

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