December 6, 2024 release notes
New to Aha! Roadmaps
You can now add any filter to your dashboard (including custom fields) to create the view you need.

Bring additional users into your Aha! Roadmaps account so they can create notes and whiteboards. This empowers everyone at your organization to work closely together to plan, build, and deliver lovable products.

New to Aha! Ideas
Send quick fixes from your Aha! account directly to Jira — so engineering can jump on them right away.

See what else is new:
Aha! Roadmaps
You can now click to view a full report when drilling into chart details.
We added the following reporting fields to Aha! Roadmaps that help you report on user email address:
Assigned to email
Created by email
[Custom user field] email(s)
Aha! Ideas
Aha! Ideas Advanced customers can now create dashboards to manage their ideas.
Aha! Whiteboards
Use Aha! shapes to represent releases and requirements on your whiteboard.
Aha! Knowledge
Aha! Knowledge Advanced customers can now create themed document collections in their knowledge bases.
Aha! Develop
You can now filter the workflow board by feature type.