Just Launched! — The New Reports Dashboard for Product Management
You probably have tons of reports scattered around. I always had at least my product goals and their statuses, ideas submitted by customers, and features planned based on…
We are a very different type of software company. Discover our newest product enhancements and explore behind-the-scenes company stories.
You probably have tons of reports scattered around. I always had at least my product goals and their statuses, ideas submitted by customers, and features planned based on…
Embrace the unexpected. I suppose my parents instilled this trait in me. In the early 1990s, they moved our family from Poland to the U.S. — sight unseen. I cannot…
How do you get to zero emails in your inbox? Read on. We know that for many of you, Aha! is a friend, but a friend that has just a bit too much to say. The type of friend…
Aha! software includes a release burndown chart for agile teams. Learn how to expand your roadmapping functionality with this easy-to-read burndown chart.
Few things make us blush. But customers fighting over Aha! licenses? That turned our cheeks positively red. We consider ourselves very fortunate to serve many of the…
What is it exactly that makes product managers so busy? I know I often wondered where the day went when I was a PM. So, we asked the PM community on Roadmap.com to…
I hope that you do not hold it against me. But I love my job. And I think you should too. This is why I spent the last year writing words of happiness — words of love. I…
Marketing agencies get a bad rap. It can be said that they foster ruthless work environments aimed at one thing: racking up the biggest client spend bill possible. Well,…