Content collections

Want to see the latest Aha! product updates? Are you a new product manager — or curious about working remotely? Find what you need in new content collections that we curated just for you.

Collection18 articles
Company updates

For more than 10 years, we have focused on building meaningful products and growing responsibly — creating tools customers love while giving back and making a difference in our communities.

Collection8 articles
The Aha! Framework

The Aha! Framework is a proven, flexible model for improving efficiency and increasing the value you deliver. It has powered our success for over a decade — and now, you can use it too.

Collection17 articles
Bootstrap Movement

Bootstrapping is about building real value, not just chasing valuation. It is the driving force behind the Bootstrap Movement at []( "Bootstrap Movement").

Collection75 articles

One of these things is not like the other. Learn the differences between core product management roles and key concepts.

Collection50 articles
Founder's paradox

In this series, we challenge concepts that may seem contradictory. Healthy organizations thrive by examining conventional thinking and delving deeper.

Collection36 articles
Product All-Stars

Product teams build what is next for customers around the world. We asked exceptional product experts to share their knowledge.

Collection16 articles
Aha! Cares

We are fortunate to be able to create value through Aha! Cares: a philanthropic program focused on providing food, safety, shelter, and opportunity to communities in need.

Collection27 articles
What I achieve

We set ambitious goals, work hard, and are recognized for it. Hear how we achieve individually and as a team.

Collection119 articles
Why I joined

Our team values integrity, ambition, effort, skill, and team spirit. Read the stories about why we joined Aha! — and why you should too.

Collection890 articles
From Brian

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection74 articles
Remote work

Work is about effort and achievement, not a location. Learn how we stay meaningfully connected and collaborate daily.

Collection59 articles
Aha! Knowledge

Streamline product knowledge sharing. Check out the latest updates to Aha! Knowledge — easily create wikis, knowledge bases, and other essential docs in a central hub.

Collection68 articles
Aha! Whiteboards

Ignite your next big idea. Check out the latest updates to Aha! Whiteboards and see how to define user flows, create mockups, and collaborate on roadmaps — all in one visual space.

Collection123 articles
Aha! Ideas

Ideas fuel innovation. Explore the latest updates to Aha! Ideas. Learn how to crowdsource feedback, evaluate insights, and cultivate customer empathy.

Collection697 articles
Thrive as a PM

You deserve to be happy at work. Let us help by providing tips on everything from resumes and feedback to achieving long-term career success.

Collection56 articles
Best practices

Gain the insights and tools you need to manage products effectively. Build confidence in your decisions and consistently deliver value.

Collection244 articles
Aha! product launches

Every release is a gift. From enhancements to major new functionality, get caught up with the most recent product updates.

Collection179 articles
Aha! Roadmaps

Roadmap the future. Learn about the latest enhancements and new functionality available in Aha! Roadmaps — so you can turn your strategic plans into reality.

Collection110 articles
Aha! Develop

Drive innovation with purpose. Explore the latest updates to Aha! Develop and discover how engineering teams connect technical work to strategy, optimize workflows, and deliver what matters most.