April 16, 2019
Tell me if you can figure out this math problem. In a survey of more than 500 product managers, 81 percent said they owned product strategy as part of their role. And yet…
April 15, 2019
Tell me if this sounds familiar. After a strategic planning session, the marketing team agrees on a high-level roadmap for the next quarter. You are excited to get to…
April 11, 2019
Marketing strategies define goals and promote brand awareness. Sales strategies focus on converting prospects into customers.
April 9, 2019
I understood the skepticism at first. After all, Aha! was a new company with an entirely new approach. This was early 2013. My co-founder Dr. Chris Waters and I were…
April 8, 2019
What would an ideal world look like to you? Your answer might be slightly different than mine, but I believe most of us would include some fundamentals — integrity,…
April 5, 2019
I discovered my two great passions in high school — windsurfing and computers. I loved spending time with my dad on the water, speeding through the waves near our home in…
April 3, 2019
You can quickly add new data, sort and filter, and adjust column widths on Aha! product and marketing list reports.
April 2, 2019
Have you ever quit a job because you did not get the promotion or title change that you wanted? I considered doing so myself in the past and know a few people who…
April 1, 2019
“Toot toot!” This has become a sort of virtual celebratory air horn sound at Aha! — it started with one teammate and has spread. Being a remote-first company, it is a…
March 27, 2019
Just a few weeks ago, we launched an integration with Google Analytics. That is, for our customers using Aha! for Marketing. Well, product teams were instantly clamoring…