The One Sign Your Company Is Growing Too Fast
What is the most important characteristic of a company founder? Perhaps a visionary mind, bold spirit, or strong work ethic. There is no single answer. But I believe…
Set a clear strategy for company and product success so you stay grounded in what you want to achieve. Find practical advice on goal-setting, cross-functional planning, prioritization, and leadership.
What is the most important characteristic of a company founder? Perhaps a visionary mind, bold spirit, or strong work ethic. There is no single answer. But I believe…
“To get off the treadmill.” I once asked a friend why he moved from Silicon Valley a few years ago and this is what he said. But I am not sure there are many places you…
“Vision.” What does this word mean to you? I define it as knowing what you want to accomplish and where you want to go. In business, it can be difficult to determine what…
The guy with the laptop. This is how I am known by one of my kid’s soccer coaches. Let me explain. The kids need to be there before games 45 minutes to warm up. There is…
We are all capable of achieving greatness. But big achievement rarely happens in isolation. You need support from those who have done it before you — as well as…
“But why?” You have probably heard this question countless times if you are a parent. Children have a seemingly insatiable curiosity to learn the reasons and causes for…
It is a paradox every company founder wants to have — growing super fast without losing who you are and what makes the team special.
I love the adventure of travel. I am always looking to see and learn something new about a place and the people who live there. Right now, I am writing this from Italy…