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Assess revenue opportunities

Decide which customer requests to build based on financial impact

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Understand business value
View the projected revenue gain associated with each customer idea
Make informed decisions
Prioritize revenue-generating ideas based on opportunity stage
Track impact
Report on high-value requests that were delivered based on demand
Discover what customers want

Integrate Salesforce data

Capture feedback with an ideas portal to discover what matters to customers. Bring in CRM data from applications such as Salesforce so the product team can easily view key information. This helps you understand which ideas will have the biggest impact and gauge potential revenue.

Review and respond quickly

Assess need and impact

Analyze who asks for what at the individual, company, and segment levels. Track voting trends to understand customer demand. Review requests in the context of the latest opportunity data to understand which ones will help you acquire new customers and expand existing ones.

Prioritize with confidence

Assess product value

Quantify the value of each idea. Use a scorecard to evaluate strategic alignment and weigh customer and business impact against effort. Analyze feedback trends using reports, charts, and AI exploration. Then, slice the data by different customer segments to understand who needs what.

Track revenue gains

Track revenue gains

Measure the impact of what you build. Report on opportunities associated with shipped ideas and see whether major deals have closed. Analyze ROI and show how your product contributes to overall business goals. Use these valuable insights to refine future prioritization decisions.

Top capabilities for assessing revenue opportunities

Pull in opportunity details

Connect Aha! Ideas with Salesforce to link customer ideas directly to accounts and opportunities

View organization details

Capture CRM-like data about each customer so you can review their requests in context

Create customer segments

Assess the needs of specific customer groups based on revenue amount, location, industry, and more

Gain revenue insights

Automatically see the total revenue from all customers who voted for an idea

Report on opportunity

Gain a comprehensive view of the highest-impact ideas and opportunity by idea stage

expert panel Aha! Roadmaps

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