Why Does DevOps Think They Are the TSA?
So you are the Operations Manager — gatekeeper of everything good — and the go-to-guy for everything infrastructure. You help keep engineering from releasing the…
So you are the Operations Manager — gatekeeper of everything good — and the go-to-guy for everything infrastructure. You help keep engineering from releasing the…
How often do you get asked for your product roadmap? Or, questioned about when feature X is going to be delivered? Sharing your product roadmap with the sales team,…
Do you need an easier way to tie code changes to the product roadmap that drove them? If yes, we just made that a lot easier through an integration with GitHub. While…
Scrum will make a zealot out of you. And a growing number of product managers and engineering teams are fervent disciples. The problem is that it does not lead to…
Your company is in an engineering death spiral if the following is true — your team is becomes less and less efficient, despite more and more measures being implemented…
I like the Lean Startup methodology, but I am not sure it goes far enough. I am now recommending a disruptive new approach which I have aptly named the Waif Startup. It’s…
I never actually was in a business that grew from zero to $200 million in sales — but I have often dreamed about it. And that counts for something. I am a big thinker and…
If your product backlog is like mine was, it’s a mess. But it’s not your or your team’s fault. That’s how I see it, because I am not a sloppy person and you probably are…
You can now import issues directly into Aha! from Jira. This builds on our existing Jira integration. The added import capabilities are important for product management…
Capacity planning and time management are critical for any software development team. See how to leverage capacity planning functionality in Aha! Roadmaps.