Imagine Every Week Was Hack Week
Creating great software is invigorating. And product managers and engineers should be the happiest people on earth. But your company probably never fully benefits from…
Creating great software is invigorating. And product managers and engineers should be the happiest people on earth. But your company probably never fully benefits from…
Kanban was designed for assembly line production, not software development. Learn how to spare your engineers and stop the Kanban insanity.
The Alpha Engineer rules Silicon Valley and all great technology ecosystems. He holds the highest rank in technical communities worldwide and is rewarded with the…
Brief periods of misdirection and confusion have happened to me and every product manager I have managed or worked with. When it happens, it’s everyone’s responsibility…
Is your product unsatisfying to customers? Worse, do you hate working on it? It’s one thing for your customers who probably only need to tolerate it for less than an hour…
My engineering friends, please consider the following sentences as a heartfelt plea. I know that we are taught in business to focus on the rational and ignore the…
Do you know a product manager who always makes the development team mad? Learn the 5 things all product managers should avoid saying to engineers.
I wanted to pause to consider all that I am grateful for and what — if any — advice I could pass along to my kids. And I had a revelation. My most important life lessons…
The moonshot is the purported antidote to incrementalism. It is about great aspirations and what happens when smart people do not worry about what’s possible today. To…
One of our generally mild-mannered beta customers caught me by surprise recently when he said, “Scrum zealots are like vegans and barefoot runners who keep trying to…