We have the best teammates (people and pets alike). | Photos by Aha!
Meet our most-loved (and worst-behaved) remote office teammates
We adore our four-legged friends. Some of them make cameo appearances during virtual meetings. We even have a Slack channel dedicated to their photos and hijinks. And while we cannot delegate feature work or code reviews to them, our pets play an important role in our work days.
Our pets are a welcome reminder to make time for well-being.
The benefits of remote work are real. No commute. More time with loved ones. Flexible schedules to allow for a mid-day appointment or errand. And of course, quality time with our pets. They take their jobs seriously — alerting us when it is time for an exercise or treat break.
It has been a while since we last introduced you to the pets of Aha! — perhaps you remember Roxy, Chomper, or Snowball. Today we bring you a roundup of furry friends (with equally inspired names) and the activities they most like to do with their Aha! owners.
My dog Murdock is incredibly loving, fun, and sneaky. His endless energy motivates me to get outside during the work day to play fetch or explore nature, especially in the summer months. And when I'm heads down on a task, so is Murdock — often stealthily destroying stuffed animals behind my back. (No, not Lambchop!)"
— Will Lawrence, Engineering, Akron, OH
"Pickles is a very spirited and adventurous companion. His absolute favorite thing is hiking in our Montana nature. And lucky me — I get to tag along! Pickles' enthusiasm for getting outside is infectious and I always return to work with renewed focus, ready to support the next customer."
— Deb Gay, Customer Success, Jefferson City, MT
Bowie and Oscar
"These two are inseparable busybodies. They definitely help me take breaks throughout the day to play, cuddle, and attend to their every need — of which there are many. Their favorite thing to do is take walks outside, rain or shine!"
— Jessica Murray, Product/UX, Toronto, ON
"Eloise is a very good heating pad on my lap as I assist customers during the work day. Her favorite thing to do is nap, but she also has a creative side. Outside of work, we collaborate on art projects together."
— Maria Plotkina, Customer Success, New Orleans, LA
"This pooch loves her outside time. We try to get out a couple times each day, getting in our steps and enjoying the fresh air. Unfortunately, Lily was a little overzealous recently and tore her second ACL. She's back in the buggy for walks until she heals — and not thrilled about it!"
— Brittany Rhoney, Customer Success, Richmond, VA
"Much of my day is devoted to creative thinking and ideation. Often I'm digging into the data to better understand our customers' journey using our software. When I come up for air, Munch likes to head outside with me to snuggle while I read the next book on my list."
— Kathryn Tirador, Marketing, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
"I dogsit here and there and love spending time with Olivia. Whenever I have the chance to hang out with this friendly pup, you can find us exploring the Dublin Bay, taking in the amazing views. It is especially helpful to take walks in the morning — then we both kick off the work day with a smile."
— Niall Gallagher, Customer Success, Dublin, Ireland
"As a writer on the marketing team, I spend a good part of my day thinking creatively and having fun with words. Sokka reminds me to stand up and stretch it out with a yoga break. She also works overtime as a professional seat warmer."
— Claire Juozitis, Marketing, San Diego, CA
"Bodhi is a very loving, attention-hungry dog. When I'm not connecting with customers and co-workers you can find me outside playing ball — Bodhi's absolute favorite activity. If I'm not taking ball breaks often enough you can be sure I get 'the look'."
— Melissa Hopkins, Customer Success, Orlando, FL
"I am often on calls throughout the day with co-workers and potential candidates. I find these conversations energizing, so it's no surprise that I like to take breaks around others. You'll often find me — and my furry companion, Clyde — out and about for our daily 'pawfee' break."
— Randi Ordeshook, People Success, Albany, NY
"Chela is the most easygoing dog I've ever met. She loves being with her humans, whether that's hanging out in my office taking a well-deserved nap, or heading outside for a brain break. She goes where we go — restaurants, the pottery studio, or long trips. It's all good with Chela."
— Nicolas Arias-Gonzalez, Engineering, Bogota, Colombia
"I am a go-go-go type of person. As a product manager, I am driven to provide results that deliver immediate impact for our customers. Bucky shares the same energetic outlook as me. On hot days we like to head outside to a local creek to let loose."
— Kelly Sebes, Product/UX, Raleigh, NC
"I love that I get to live and work anywhere I'd like. For me, that is near fresh water. In the middle of the day, Mac and I hit the trail that leads us to the nearest water source. We both dip our paws in for a refreshing moment or two before heading home."
— Scott Goldblatt, Customer Success, Bend, OR
"I'm part of our Product Concierge team, so I'm often pointing customers in the right direction based on their needs and objectives. Dexter's favorite thing to do is observe me from afar — he always stays cool and collected. Even when I'm ready to take a break he's often too busy ruling the 'ottomon empire' to play."
— Perry Hurtt, Customer Success, Atlanta, GA
Our pets get extra love and attention when we work from home, but their presence is good for us too.
Pets bring a healthy balance of structure and delight to our lives. They get us moving, keep us guessing, and help us remember to be playful and loving — no matter the time of day.
Our team is happy, productive, loves pets, and is hiring — join us!