See all proxy votes submitted on behalf of a specific customer in an ideas portal.
Greater Proxy Voting Visibility on Ideas
Do you use proxy voting in an Aha! ideas portal? Used to capture feedback on behalf of customers, it is a popular choice. Aha! users have collectively gathered more than 800,000 proxy votes since we launched this feature in 2020. Many of you have told us how crucial these votes are to your decision-making. They help you understand what your customers want — from the people who speak to them most. And with this week's launch, we are delivering on your number one request to improve proxy votes.
Give internal teams complete visibility into the proxy votes submitted on behalf of customers — available now in Aha! Ideas Advanced.
Proxy voting gives sales and support teams a way to submit new ideas and vote on existing ones on behalf of customers. You can enable this within any private ideas portal and invite as many internal users as you need at no additional cost. Proxy voting opens up the ideation process. It empowers teammates to advocate for their customers — providing you with insights into the business value behind each request.
Portal users could always view and edit their own proxy votes. But you told us you would like to see the proxy votes submitted by other team members — to avoid making duplicate requests and see what else the customer is asking for. Today's new portal setting lets you choose whether you want portal users to see All proxy votes or Only their own.
When all proxy votes are visible, users can see this information in two places: the proxy votes tab within a specific idea or the proxy votes view on the main portal page. Use the proxy votes view to track proxy votes across all ideas — filtering by organization, creator, and status. Users will also see all proxy votes submitted from Salesforce via our integration.
Proxy voting is available to customers on the Ideas Advanced plan, as well as customers who purchased Aha! Roadmaps before October 2020. You need to be a portal admin to update these portal settings.
Find two new ways for your teammates to view proxy votes:
View all the proxy votes for an idea
Let's say you work in support and a customer requests a new feature during a live chat. You are not sure if this feedback has already been passed along to the product team — so you look in your ideas portal to search for an existing idea. You find it, along with a proxy vote that was created by a teammate for the same customer. No need to add another idea. Instead, you can update the existing proxy vote with new details captured during your chat.

As the idea status changes, portal users who submitted proxy votes will automatically receive an email notification and can share the good news when an idea ships.
Filter all proxy votes by customer
Now let's imagine you are an account manager preparing for a customer call. In advance, you can review the ideas already submitted on behalf of the customer. This gives you a clear picture of what they are asking for so you can go deeper on the call or provide a status update.
You can still easily find all the proxy votes you personally added by using the new Created by filter at the top of the proxy votes page.
Continue collecting customer feedback from your sales and support teams via proxy votes — without doubling up on their requests.
There is an upside for product managers as well — fewer duplicate proxy votes to reconcile. In that spirit, we also added a new setting that disables the creation of new organizations so you can prevent duplicates there too. (Customers who use our Salesforce integration will cheer at this one!) As a reminder, you can automatically group ideas, votes, and proxy votes by company using organizations — so you can track everything that matters to them in a single view. Now you will be better equipped to discover the best new ideas with more ways to share and analyze customer feedback.
Sign up for a free trial of Aha! Ideas
Aha! Ideas is the best way to crowdsource feedback, engage the community, and analyze trends. If you are interested in sophisticated capabilities — such as proxy voting, Salesforce integration, and organizations — choose the Ideas Advanced plan. And if you are looking for a complete product management solution, choose Aha! Roadmaps which also includes basic idea management. Sign up for a free 30-day trial or join a live demo to see why more than 700,000 product builders trust our software to build lovable products and be happy doing it.