Create one unified product and engineering backlog in Aha! Develop
How do you balance building new product functionality against improving technical capabilities? Many product development teams struggle with this challenge. You want to…
Drive innovation with purpose. Explore the latest updates to Aha! Develop and discover how engineering teams connect technical work to strategy, optimize workflows, and deliver what matters most.
How do you balance building new product functionality against improving technical capabilities? Many product development teams struggle with this challenge. You want to…
The power of the workflow board in Aha! Develop is its flexibility. It allows you to choose how you view engineering work. You can toggle between team and individual…
Software engineers are responsible for building a performant, reliable product. That includes addressing defects so you can deliver the best possible user experience. But…
We continuing to invest in the integration between Aha! Develop and Aha! Roadmaps to give you a unified product development environment that keeps everyone in sync.…
More than 65 million developers (including our own) use GitHub to build software. So we knew that a GitHub extension would be critical for those using Aha! Develop — to…
Business rules, response plans, meeting agendas — the wiki in Aha! Develop is the perfect spot to store shared knowledge that engineers need to guide their work. Access…
You can now select dark mode (or light mode) in Aha! Develop to work the way you want. This new functionality adds to our overall customization options for Aha! Develop.
Eight years. One year. One month. These are the respective ages of our three products — Aha! Roadmaps, Aha! Ideas, and Aha! Develop. While each is in a different stage of…
Time to market is always important. And that is why lots of teams estimate capacity and effort in time. Now you have the option to estimate in time or points — so you can…
Bring work into Aha! Develop with importer extensions for Jira, Rally, GitHub, and now Asana. Or you can quickly create your own importer for any tool you choose.
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