The One Sign Your Startup Will Make You Rich
Who is going to be the next unicorn? Everyone always want to know. You hear news stories about them all the time — these mythical companies that seem to appear from…
Set a clear strategy for company and product success so you stay grounded in what you want to achieve. Find practical advice on goal-setting, cross-functional planning, prioritization, and leadership.
Who is going to be the next unicorn? Everyone always want to know. You hear news stories about them all the time — these mythical companies that seem to appear from…
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one —Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. A sales guy stopped me in the men’s room with a new feature idea.…
Broke. Kaput. Dead. Finished. That is what it feels like when your small business runs out of cash. I would tell you to avoid that from happening, but that’s just…
If your product team lives by the Agile manifesto or lean startup principles, then this may be your mantra: “Build the product; don’t fiddle with your plans for it.” Your…
If you are a great technology leader or product manager — you know a secret that others ignore. Managing relationships is essential to your job. As the CEO of your…
I seem to have touched a nerve. When I wrote Why This CEO Will Never Hire Another Salesperson last week, I had no idea that it would create a firestorm. I have written…
Companies should stop failing faster and start succeeding faster. Learn about 4 steps to take now to set yourself up for success.
Joining a startups is like being a kid all over again. And it’s probably why so many people want to be part of one. You’re free. Innovation and risk-taking is encouraged,…