Aha! updates

We are a very different type of software company. Discover our newest product enhancements and explore behind-the-scenes company stories.

Aha! Launches Fully Extendable Agile Development Tool
May 26, 2021
Aha! Launches Fully Extendable Agile Development Tool

Today is a big day. We are making our most significant product announcement since we founded Aha! back in August 2013. I am thrilled to announce Aha! Develop — a…

Highlight Important Requests in Your Ideas Portal
May 19, 2021
Highlight Important Requests in Your Ideas Portal

Idea management is all about learning. You know that just because an idea sounds promising, this does not mean people need it or will pay to use it. Product teams need to…

Customize Ideas Portal Forms for Different Audiences
May 5, 2021
Customize Ideas Portal Forms for Different Audiences

Do you have multiple ideas portals? Many Aha! customers create discrete portals in the same workspace for engaging different groups of users — such as customers,…

Enhanced Capacity Planning Report for Teams
April 28, 2021
Enhanced Capacity Planning Report for Teams

Time and people. These are precious resources to anyone with big plans. And you need to keep both in mind when you are planning what it will take to achieve your roadmap.…

A Better Way to View Requirements
April 21, 2021
A Better Way to View Requirements

Defining work means delving into the details. But even when you focus on one thing, you still want to see the broader context. That is why so many of you love using the…

Create Beautiful New Charts to Visualize Your Aha! Data
April 14, 2021
Create Beautiful New Charts to Visualize Your Aha! Data

Part of what makes Aha! software so powerful is our analytics and reporting engine. You can instantly turn your product data into compelling visualizations — such as bar,…

A New Record Type for Improved Idea Management
April 6, 2021
A New Record Type for Improved Idea Management

214 votes. This is how many of you wanted to be able to group submitted ideas by customer. It was our third most popular idea, but our product team could not evaluate the…

Aha! Welcomes Maryville Consulting Group to Partner Program
April 6, 2021
Aha! Welcomes Maryville Consulting Group to Partner Program

Great partnerships are powerful. Last year, we launched the Aha! Partner program to give our customers access to Aha! certified advisors who can help folks use our…