Connect Aha! Ideas and Salesforce with our updated integration
A New Way To View a Customer's Linked Ideas in Salesforce
Our powerful integration with Salesforce gives customer-facing teams a convenient way to capture requests, communicate revenue impact to product teams, and keep customers informed of status changes. Today's update makes it easier to track all requests in one view so every team can stay focused on providing an excellent customer experience.
Sales and support teams can now see all linked customer requests — including those for opportunities and cases — on the account page in Salesforce.
Let's start with a quick recap of how the integration with Salesforce works. Once you have connected your Salesforce account to a private ideas portal, you can add an Aha! Ideas component to account, opportunity, and case views in Salesforce. This empowers customer-facing teams to search the ideas portal, capture requests, and track delivery statuses directly from those views.
Many of you told us that your sales and support teams would love to see an account-level view of all customer requests — without having to open each opportunity or case. So we updated the Aha! Ideas component on the account page to provide exactly that. Now Salesforce users can track the status of all linked ideas in one place and only click on related opportunities and cases if they want more details.
This update is available to customers on the Ideas Advanced plan. To get started, make sure you have the latest version of our Salesforce integration installed. Once updated, no further action is needed — your account pages will automatically start showing the additional information.
Here's a closer look at how this update helps sales and support teams:
Capture customer requests
Encourage sales and support teams to submit requests directly from Salesforce — linking them to the overall customer account or individual opportunities and cases. In the example below, a sales teammate adds an idea to a renewal opportunity for a fictitious company called Aerocycle.
As the product manager, you can immediately see this request in your Aha! Ideas overview page along with details about the revenue impact — helping you make an informed prioritization decision.
Set up one-way field mappings from opportunities in Salesforce to custom fields in Aha! Ideas so you can see valuable opportunity data when evaluating ideas.
Review everything in one view
Now let's imagine you are the account manager for Aerocycle. You have an upcoming call with them to discuss how things are going. The account page in Salesforce shows that there are five requests — three of which are linked to a renewal opportunity and one that is tied to a support case.
Good news! Two of these requests recently shipped and the others are planned. This will help you demonstrate how responsive the product team is to Aerocycle's needs — building a strong relationship and driving customer growth.

Find more details about opportunities or cases within the Linked To column of the Aha! Ideas list.
Make reviewing requests ultra convenient for Salesforce users — so they can proactively stay up-to-date and deliver an excellent customer experience.
This is the latest in a series of improvements we have been making to the Salesforce integration — most notably syncing accounts to organizations, evaluating an idea's business impact, and adding opportunity data. But we are always looking for more ways to make it better. Add your thoughts to our ideas portal today.
Sign up for a free trial of Aha! Ideas
Aha! Ideas is the best way to crowdsource feedback, engage the community, and analyze trends. If you are interested in sophisticated capabilities — such as dynamic forms, Salesforce integration, and polls — choose the Ideas Advanced plan. And if you are looking for a complete product management solution, choose Aha! Roadmaps which also includes basic idea management. Sign up for a free 30-day trial or join a live demo to see why more than 700,000 product builders trust our software to build lovable products and be happy doing it.
Aha! is a trademark of Aha! Labs Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.