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Concept map template

Organize and represent ideas and their relationships

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Concept map large

About the concept map template

Concept maps are typically used to represent a main idea or, in product management, an area of functionality — illustrating how different features relate to each other. Nodes represent concepts and lines show how they are connected.

Let's consider a fitness tracking app. The concept map could have "Activity tracking" at the center. Branching out, you might have "Start and stop" features, "Real-time metrics," and "GPS tracking" as connected concepts. Under each one, you would further map out related ideas. This visual arrangement helps clarify how different parts of the app interact and helps guide decisions on what to prioritize or improve.

Use this template to create a bird's-eye view of your product's structure. See if the team can spot gaps, redundancies, or areas that need more attention.

How to use the concept map template

Showcase connections, hierarchies, and dependencies in a coherent visual layout.

  1. Start with a clear focus Define the main concept or central theme that your map will revolve around. Having a clear focal point will give your concept map direction and purpose.

  2. Identify relationships Break down the central concept into its essential components — these become the nodes in your concept map. Then, establish the connections or relationships between these nodes and how they impact one another.

  3. Get organized Place the central concept at the center and arrange the related concepts around it, radiating outward. You can use different levels of hierarchy to represent sub-concepts and their relationships. This ensures that your map is visually organized and easy to follow.

  4. Use visual cues effectively Make sure your visual cues are consistent and meaningful to anyone who views the map. Use the key we have created or add your own colors, shapes, and lines to differentiate types of concepts or highlight relationships.

Start using the concept map template now