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10Ps marketing matrix template

Define the essential elements of your go-to-market strategy

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10Ps marketing matrix large

About the 10Ps marketing matrix template

Building a strong marketing strategy requires that you understand the key elements that contribute to your success. The 10Ps marketing matrix builds upon the 4Ps of marketing (product, price, promotion, and place) and adds people, process, programs, physical environment, partners, and positioning to the mix. Use this template when bringing a new product to market or identifying ways to improve your existing marketing strategy.

Included in the 10Ps marketing matrix template

This 10Ps marketing matrix template includes built-in capabilities such as:

  • A menu of classic whiteboard features (including shapes, sticky notes, grids, and emojis)

  • Quick access to best practices and a pre-filled 10Ps marketing matrix example for guidance

  • Inline comments to gather feedback, questions, and ideas from teammates

  • Presentation frames to easily share your work

Overview of the 10Ps marketing matrix template

The 10Ps marketing matrix template gives founders, product leaders, and marketers a framework for thinking more holistically about reaching target customers. Once you capture all your information in one place, use it to help craft the marketing or go-to-market strategy. Share the template with cross-functional teams so everyone understands the approach for engaging with your audience.

Add to and remove items from the matrix as needed, change colors, or include sticky notes to provide more context. When you are ready to move from planning to implementation, easily convert any items from your whiteboard into real work in Aha! Roadmaps and move forward with confidence.

How to use the 10ps marketing matrix template

Create a full picture of your customers, channels, and market context.

  1. Capture fundamentals: Focus on one product or service and outline basic information in each box on the template. Link to relevant existing documentation (such as customer personas or current marketing programs) where it makes sense.

  2. Think deeply: Gather teammates to review the details and explore thinking together. Add comments and highlight information that deserves deeper discussion. Treat your 10Ps as a living document that you will revisit and enhance as you learn more about what works in your market.

  3. Move plans forward: With the foundation of your marketing strategy in place, it is time to start the work. Convert details on your whiteboard template into work items in Aha! Roadmaps. Determine deliverables, dates, and assignees, then track and share your progress.

FAQs about the 10Ps marketing matrix template

Why is the 10Ps marketing matrix important?

Product builders can use the 10Ps marketing matrix to evaluate and strengthen their marketing or go-to-market strategy. With a place to capture everything from positioning to pricing, this 10Ps marketing matrix template helps you rally the team around the approach for marketing your offering.

What are some 10Ps marketing matrix best practices?

Keep your 10Ps marketing matrix up to date. Regularly review and update the matrix as you learn more about the market and your customers. And invite folks from cross-functional teams, such as sales and customer support, to review the 10Ps marketing matrix with you. This way, you can consider different perspectives and incorporate learnings from other team members.

Can the 10Ps marketing matrix be used for both new and established products?

Yes. When launching a new product, you can use the 10Ps marketing matrix template to help shape a first-time marketing or go-to-market strategy. For established products, use the template as a tool to identify areas of your marketing strategy to improve or refine as you release enhancements.

Is this template free to use?

Yes. To use this 10Ps marketing matrix template, sign up for a free 30-day trial of Aha! Whiteboards. (You can also try this template in Aha! Roadmaps if you need a complete product management solution.) Easily customize the template to suit your needs, then share it with as many people as you want (for free) to streamline collaboration.

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