What remote work means for 9 people at Aha!

Remote work lets you surround yourself with whatever you enjoy. | Photo by Aha!

March 31, 2022

What remote work means for 9 people at Aha!

by Brian de Haaff

Ski break. Out for a dog walk. Kid's play at school. This is just a sampling of the Slack statuses I see every day from the Aha! team. Stepping away to recharge is equally important as getting work done. The ability to achieve harmony between your work and home life is one of the benefits of being part of a fully distributed team.

Working remotely offers an unparalleled sense of freedom — the satisfaction of working where and how you want.

Autonomy is central to how we operate as a bootstrapped business. We are intentional about acting on our values and growing sustainably. Remote work is an extension of this approach. We are able to hire exceptional people, no matter where they live. It was the right choice when we started the company in 2013 and it serves us nearly a decade later as our team continues to grow.

Our remote-first model is a big reason why people apply for open roles. And from our internal lovability surveys that every team member completes, I know it also contributes to why people stay.

But giving people the freedom to work from the comfort of a remote office is about much more than convenience. It facilitates the respect and trust that high-performing teams crave — so they can do their best work and be happy.

Many teammates have joined Aha! since the last behind-the-scenes blog post, so we want to highlight some of the new locations we call home. I asked folks to share where they work from and what they love about the remote work lifestyle. Perhaps their answers will inspire you to rethink your current work environment or optimize your office space.

Arvada, Colorado, USA

"I have three children and they keep us very busy. Thanks to working remotely, I am able to be there for them at a moment’s notice. Their schools are less than a mile from our house and one of the best parts of my day is picking them up at the end of the day. I can be there to receive those end-of-school hugs, as opposed to being stuck in rush hour traffic. A job I love so close to the people I love — it is a win-win situation for me." Ashley Thompson, People Success

Ashley Thompson's office in Arvada, Colorado | Photo by Aha!

Ashley Thompson's office in Arvada, Colorado | Photo by Aha!

Bogotá, Colombia

"As someone who gets easily distracted, working from home gives me the quiet environment I need to get into a state of flow. This allows me to feel productive and end my day on time knowing I got a lot accomplished. I also enjoy the other perks that come with working from home, such as setting up my workspace just how I like it and taking a break to walk my dog and cook myself lunch. I have been working remotely for over six years and I do not expect that to change anytime soon." — Nicolás Arias-Gonzalez, Engineering

Nicolás Arias-Gonzalez's office in Bogotá, Colombia | Photo by Aha!

Nicolás Arias-Gonzalez's office in Bogotá, Colombia | Photo by Aha!

Brighton, Ontario, CA

"I love my beautiful corner office, right in the comfort of my own home. Not only am I much happier, but working remotely has given me the gift of more time. I am grateful to have quality time to enjoy meals with my family, watch the kids play hockey after work, and go for a bike ride before it gets dark. Moments I often missed before I was working remotely." — Julie Price, Product Management

Julie Price's office in Brighton, Ontario | Photo by Aha!

Julie Price's office in Brighton, Ontario | Photo by Aha!

Carrollton, Georgia, USA

“Thanks to working remotely, we moved our family from the city to a small farm in the country. My job is rewarding and challenging and I adore my team — and I do not have to sacrifice anything about where or how I live to have a career I love. One of my favorite things is being on a video call with my team and looking out the window to see the ducks waddle by. (Okay, and sometimes they join me inside instead.)” — Amy Ellis, Marketing

Amy Ellis' office in Carrollton, Georgia | Photo by Aha!

Amy Ellis' office in Carrollton, Georgia | Photo by Aha!

Hollywood, Florida, USA

"Working where I feel most comfortable is invigorating. I like to make use of my favorite spaces in my home. Sometimes I will set up shop in my backyard, where I can breathe fresh air and enjoy the breeze. And I can quickly transition to my office if I need to jump onto a meeting or sit in my cozy living room for some focus time." — Alejandro Saenz, Product Success

Alejandro Saenz's office in Hollywood, Florida | Photo by Aha!

Alejandro Saenz's office in Hollywood, Florida | Photo by Aha!

Los Angeles, California, USA

"Working remotely means that I no longer have to spend two hours a day commuting in LA. Instead I use that time doing things that I love. I start my morning with a bit of reading and then take a walk around my neighborhood. I can fit in some exercise during my lunch hour or spend a break playing music. Working from home allows me to do my best work in the best environment — while being part of the best global team!" — Becca Bommarito, Product Success

Becca Bommarito's office in Los Angeles, California | Photo by Aha!

Becca Bommarito's office in Los Angeles, California | Photo by Aha!

Long Beach, California, USA

"Working remotely in Long Beach allows me to harness my creativity in an environment that inspires me. My office has a long desk I made myself so I can spread out and sketch concepts. Artwork on the wall sparks ideas and plants and candles help me stay grounded. I also love hearing the sweet snoring of my English Bulldog at my feet and peering out the window to watch squirrels sprint along my neighbor's roof. All of it keeps me fueled and energized to create new things — and I handle stress in a much healthier way. What is not to love?" — Ashley Borg, Marketing

Ashley Borg's office in Long Beach, California | Photo by Aha!

Ashley Borg's office in Long Beach, California | Photo by Aha!

Madison, Connecticut, USA

"I have two children under two years old. Having an employer that cares about my personal and professional life is so important. Working remotely at Aha! allows me to excel in my career and in my home life, and that is priceless to me. I cannot imagine ever going back into an office." — Jennifer Bloom, Customer Success

Jennifer Bloom's office in Madison, Connecticut | Photo by Aha!

Jennifer Bloom's office in Madison, Connecticut | Photo by Aha!

Toronto, Ontario, CA

"I sit right next to a large window, so I have natural light and usually keep the overhead light off. My dog spends the day sleeping in a variety of locations and positions which always brings a smile to my face. I can dress for comfort, lay down for a minute to recharge, or actually cook something for lunch. Everything is customized to the way I like to work, so I can focus on being productive." — Carolyn Padbury, Finance

Carolyn Padbury's office in Toronto, Ontario | Photo by Aha!

Carolyn Padbury's office in Toronto, Ontario | Photo by Aha!

Remote work is good for our team and directly contributes to the success of the business. Our recent milestone of surpassing $100M in ARR bears this out.

We are hearing about more companies returning to the office. That may be right for some but it is disappointing to see that many are talking about a “return to normal.” In these instances in-office work is highly valued and remote work is associated with lack of engagement or stagnation. Of course we have seen the opposite to be true.

If you are thinking about making the switch to remote work, take a look at our directory of bootstrapped companies — many of which are remote. You just might find an exciting new opportunity.

Work anywhere and be happy. Aha! is hiring right now. 

Brian de Haaff

Brian de Haaff

Brian seeks business and wilderness adventure. He is the co-founder and CEO of Aha! — the world’s #1 product development software — and the author of the bestseller Lovability and The Startup Adventure newsletter. Brian writes and speaks about product and company growth and the journey of pursuing a meaningful life.

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