The Top 6 Blog Posts for Product Managers — May 2017
More great blog posts about building lovable products. This was a busy spring. We introduced Lovability, the bestselling book from Aha! CEO Brian de Haaff. Resources for product managers to bookmark include The Building Blocks of Lovability and The 3 Signs of Product Love.
Along with valuable advice and insight into The Responsive Method — the framework for our success at Aha! — we shared more about applying those concepts to your own work.
In case you missed them, here are some of our favorites:
1. Why This CEO Says No to Venture Capital (92,056 views) It may be tempting to take money when it’s offered. But in this post, which received more than 150 comments, Brian de Haaff explains why he steers clear of the venture-capital trap and why you probably should too. Read more…

2. I Said “No More Salespeople, Please” (14,335 views) Customers do not want the hard sell. This post stirred up a healthy debate and thousands of views as Brian de Haaff explained why companies should rethink their commissioned sales force. Read more…

3. Only Obsessive Egomaniacs Create Tech Breakthroughs (4,096 views) You do not need to be an obsessive egomaniac to achieve lasting success. And, judging by the thoughtful comments from readers, many of you agree. Read more…

4. Product Manager: Don’t Be a Data Fool (1,646 views) If you are like most product managers, you cannot wait to dive into the numbers and figure out what it all means. But too much attention on data can distract from your goals. Here is how to guard against becoming a data fool. Read more…

5. Your Boss Should Never Tell You to “Care Less” (980 views) If you are passionate about your work, you probably cringe whenever someone tells you to simply “care less.” Here is why that advice is even more troubling when you hear it from the boss and what you can do about it. Read more…

6. Do You Need an Office? My Mother-in-Law Wants to Know (888 views) If you have ever worked remotely, you already know the answer. But if you still believe that having an office is a prerequisite for your company’s success, this one is for you. Read more…

As you put these concepts into effect, please share your feedback! We want to hear what works (and what does not).
How would your company become more responsive?