Just Launched! — Single Sign-On (SSO) Now Available for Idea Portals
Every organization wants better ideas. And they want an easy way to prioritize which ones will have the biggest impact. But there is a problem — right now product ideas are trapped in your colleague’s email inboxes and notebooks. It’s tough to effectively capture game-changing ideas when they are scattered everywhere.
Lots of your colleagues have good product ideas and some even talk with customers every day — it’s time there was one place to capture all their feedback. Ideally, that place would be tightly connected with your existing roadmap.
It’s time to think about using an idea management tool that is integrated with your existing systems — that’s because you need to make it easy to collect the ideas that matter.
That’s why we added idea management to the roadmapping process in Aha! This brings transparency to how ideas are handled and gives everyone in an organization a voice. And every great idea is captured and can be prioritized against the business goals. The best ideas can seamlessly be promoted to a valuable new feature on your beautiful product roadmap.
Today, we just launched a new feature many of you have been asking for. We extended the capabilities of Idea Portals even further with the addition of Single Sign-On (SSO).
Single Sign-On for Ideas Portals Single Sign-On allows your employees to log in to your Ideas portal using your existing SAML-enabled ID provider, such as Active Directory, OneLogin, PingIdentity, Okta and many more.
With SSO, you can increase engagement of your Idea portals as team members no longer need to keep track of yet another email and password.

When a user authenticates to the Ideas portal with SSO enabled, they will only be presented with the option to authenticate to the portal via SSO. If they are already logged in to the SSO provider, they will automatically be logged in to your portal without any additional actions.
More great ideas. No extra password. You already had the ability to use SSO to access the Aha! application. But, we know that most of your colleagues do not need to be in Aha! But they do need to be able to share their product ideas. This is why we added it for ideas portals. You can now use Single Sign-On for both private and public portals. Here’s how it works for each portal type:
SSO for Public Portals Once SSO is configured, users will be prompted to log in before creating a new idea or voting on an idea. Users will also need to be logged in to post a comment. Please remember that for public portals that anyone can view ideas, regardless of whether they are logged in.
SSO for Private Portals For private portals, users cannot view ideas unless they are logged in. In order to access the portal, users will be prompted to log in via SSO if it is enabled. Any user with the SSO account will be able to access the Ideas portal, regardless of email domain. Once they are authenticated the user will be allowed to create a new idea, vote on any idea, and comment normally.
Configuration Aha! provides the flexibility to set up SSO for each Idea portal.

To get started, go to Settings - Product - Configure Idea portals
Select the Idea portal for which you would like to set up SSO
Click the “Single Sign On” link
Select SAML from the Identify Provider dropdown
If you follow the steps above, it will unhide the SAML 2.0 configuration, which will differ based on the SAML provider that you have selected. Learn more about SAML 2.0 configurations and instructions to set up OneLogin for your Ideas portal.
Combining the ability to capture ideas and then prioritize them on a roadmap makes life easier for product teams everywhere. And this was the vision behind why we introduced idea management in the first place. It’s time to save your team’s ideas from going to an island where they are left to die.
Go ahead and turn on the SSO integration for your team. We hope that it makes it even easier for your colleagues to share ideas about what they think will help you build an even better product.
Signup for a free Aha! trial — be happy SSO for Ideas portals is available to all Aha! customers. If you are not already an Aha! customer, you may want to sign up for a free 30-day trial of Aha! now to see why over 20,000 users trust Aha! to set product strategy, create visual roadmaps, and prioritize releases and features.