15 Best Product Management Blogs of 2017
Woosh. 2017 was intense. So much happened in current events and business and everywhere else. We saw product managers take on a more critical role within companies than ever before. Yet amid all the topsy-turvy there was one thing that did not waver — the power of the written word.
We love writing on the Aha! blog because it gives us a chance to thoughtfully document topics that are on our minds and that are important to us all.
We also love looking forward and planning for the future. (We are in the business of serving product managers, after all.) But it is just as important to pause and look back. What were the trends we saw in 2017? What themes interested you most?
Good questions. So we put together a list of our most popular posts, grouped into the topics that resonated with you over these past 12 months. Bookmark these blogs now for future reading — if 2017 was any guide, 2018 will be just as transformative.
Here is our list of the top 15 blogs for product managers:
Lovability Building lovable products is something that every company can and should aspire to. When Aha! co-founder and CEO Brian de Haaff’s book Lovability was published in April, we hoped it would strike a chord with readers. But we were humbled to see it become a national bestseller within the first week of being published.
Here are some of your favorite Lovability blog posts:
The Product Manager Product managers love reading about other product managers. (Not surprising.) Some of the most popular posts in 2017 shared a common goal: to help product managers have a greater impact on your work. You loved reading anything that dove deeper into the role, from best practices to insights about responsibilities and tips for collaboration.
Here are some of the top product manager-focused blog posts:
Product Management 101 Not a seasoned product manager? Maybe even looking to break into the field? Everyone starts somewhere. We had a number of blog posts aimed at providing guidance and encouragement to new or aspiring product managers.
Here are some of our most-read newbie product manager blog posts:
Remote Work Rumors about the demise of remote work have been greatly exaggerated. Yes, a few big players in the tech world made headlines by reining in remote work this year. But given the trending topics on LinkedIn and your response to our blog posts, remote work is needed more than ever. Admittedly we here at Aha! are biased. We are a completely distributed workforce — we have seen remote work in action and reap the benefits every single day.
Here are some of our best remote work blog posts:
Roadmaps Of course, roadmaps rule when it comes to looking forward. You want to show both where you are going and how you are going to get there. We explored what a real roadmap looks like and how you can tie together bold vision and disciplined execution.
Here are three essential roadmap blog posts:
As we move into 2018, know that we will keep digging into the topics that affect you and your work.
Remember, we love to hear from you. Tell us what you think about each post in the comments. Thank you for going on this journey with us — have a very happy New Year!
What do you want to read about in 2018?