From our CEO

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection884 articles
Hey Boss: I Am Begging You to Let Me Work From Home
July 18, 2017
Hey Boss: I Am Begging You to Let Me Work From Home

I studied philosophy. (True.) You know the old cliché about the tree falling in the forest. If no one is there to hear it, did it really make a sound? Well, remote work…

You Choose to Do This Every Day
July 17, 2017
You Choose to Do This Every Day

Do you really have to do that? Find out why replacing "I have to" with "I choose to" can make a powerful impact on your daily experience.

The Most Important Thing You Should NOT Do Each Day
July 11, 2017
The Most Important Thing You Should NOT Do Each Day

You probably have a list somewhere. Maybe several scribbled on the backs of receipts or neatly organized in a notebook or even tapped out in an app. Each one a litany of…

Stop Your Next Presentation to Honor the Now
July 10, 2017
Stop Your Next Presentation to Honor the Now

Do you honor the now? Learn the importance of living in the moment and achieving now.

How Not to Scale Your Startup
July 6, 2017
How Not to Scale Your Startup

Companies that grow in a sustainable way put people and value first. Learn our guidelines for when to scale your startup.

Product Managers: Celebrate the Interruptions
June 27, 2017
Product Managers: Celebrate the Interruptions

You start the day off ready to cruise through your schedule and To-do list. And then… the speed bumps appear out of nowhere. Impromptu meetings. Last-minute…

There Is a New Animal in Silicon Valley
June 26, 2017
There Is a New Animal in Silicon Valley

There is a new animal in Silicon Valley. And it is nothing like the unicorns you have read about in the past. This new beast is not quite as flashy. It moves a little…

How This CEO Learned to Let Go
June 22, 2017
How This CEO Learned to Let Go

Companies that want to build something lasting have to be willing to let go of unhealthy partnerships. Learn more about letting go from Aha! co-founder and CEO Brian de…

What a 7 Year Old Taught Me About Team Spirit
June 19, 2017
What a 7 Year Old Taught Me About Team Spirit

“Dear Future Me, I hope I work at Aha! And live at the beach. Love, Carson” An Aha! teammate recently shared this note with the company. It was from his 7-year-old son’s…

10 Steps Product Managers Take to Get to The Lovability Line
June 13, 2017
10 Steps Product Managers Take to Get to The Lovability Line

I bet you can think of at least a few customers who absolutely love your product. They are vocal, share positive feedback, say that you “get” them, and advocate for your…

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