From our CEO

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection884 articles
The Top 10 Most-Loved Products Have This in Common
January 7, 2020
The Top 10 Most-Loved Products Have This in Common

What products do you love? How about one you truly adore? I ask every person who joins Aha! these two questions during onboarding and most people can only come up with a…

Product manager vs. product owner vs. project manager
December 18, 2019
Product manager vs. product owner vs. project manager

Product managers define the “what,” product owners the “how,” and project managers the “when.” Explore these nuanced product roles.

The Founder’s Paradox: How to Create Good Anxiety
December 17, 2019
The Founder’s Paradox: How to Create Good Anxiety

Any adventure worth taking involves a bit of risk. Because part of the thrill of doing something new is the knowledge that it has not been done before. For a company…

What does team spirit look like when you only see your co-workers twice a year?
December 10, 2019
What does team spirit look like when you only see your co-workers twice a year?

Team spirit. In theory, it refers to a positive company culture. But many companies treat it more like recruiting lip service than a value to actively foster. It has…

Showcase Your 2019 Product Management Success With These 4 Reports
December 3, 2019
Showcase Your 2019 Product Management Success With These 4 Reports

It creeps up on you and then it is over. The end of the year is in the distance, you achieve a major release, and then everyone looks ahead. What will 2020 bring? But…

The One Sign Your Company Is Growing Too Fast
November 25, 2019
The One Sign Your Company Is Growing Too Fast

What is the most important characteristic of a company founder? Perhaps a visionary mind, bold spirit, or strong work ethic. There is no single answer. But I believe…

How to Get Executive Buy-In by Creating a Compelling Business Case
November 19, 2019
How to Get Executive Buy-In by Creating a Compelling Business Case

If you are a product manager, you know how challenging it is to get leadership buy-in for a big new investment. But to build what customers really need, you must be able…

Big Goal, Achieved — So Why Do You Feel Lousy?
November 12, 2019
Big Goal, Achieved — So Why Do You Feel Lousy?

Achievement is addictive. But it does not automatically lead to bliss. I am referring to what researchers call the arrival fallacy — the mistaken belief that once we…

8 Smart Tactics for Understanding Customer Pain Points
November 5, 2019
8 Smart Tactics for Understanding Customer Pain Points

Have you heard of the Wong-Baker FACES® scale? You may not know the name but I bet you would recognize it immediately. This numerical and visual pain rating scale shows…

How to Properly Scare Yourself (Into a New Role)
October 29, 2019
How to Properly Scare Yourself (Into a New Role)

Your co-workers would say you are a zombie. You have lost your motivation and it shows. There is no spark in your soul as you drift between meetings. You are in desperate…

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