From our CEO

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection884 articles
The Only Answer to "Where Will You Be in Five Years?"
November 10, 2015
The Only Answer to "Where Will You Be in Five Years?"

We spend more time at work than anywhere else during our adult lives. So, it is important to be fulfilled by what you work on. That sounds peachy, right? But I know it’s…

6 Ways Remote Employees Crush Office Cube-Dwellers
November 6, 2015
6 Ways Remote Employees Crush Office Cube-Dwellers

I have a friend named Whitney (name changed) who was once a cube-dweller. And I do not mean she lived in a modern ergonomic-style home. On the contrary, her house was…

How to Get the Raise You Deserve in 2016
November 3, 2015
How to Get the Raise You Deserve in 2016

2016 will be here before you know it. Where did the year go? Anyway, if you are smart, you are likely already thinking ahead to what the next 12 months will look like. I…

15 KPI Metrics Every Software Product Manager Should Know
November 2, 2015
15 KPI Metrics Every Software Product Manager Should Know

The world of product management is rapidly changing. It is more data driven than ever before. There is no doubt that data is impacting most jobs. But this is amplified…

Why Successful People Have More Fun
November 1, 2015
Why Successful People Have More Fun

When was the last time you had fun at work? I don’t mean going to the ballgame with your office buddies or having a good laugh at your boss’s misfortune at the holiday…

Why This CEO Will Never Hire Another Manager
October 27, 2015
Why This CEO Will Never Hire Another Manager

Does the concept of a world without managers fascinate you? At Aha! we hire strong candidates and help them grow into great leaders. Learn how it all works.

You Should Run From These 3 Crazy Managers
October 25, 2015
You Should Run From These 3 Crazy Managers

I once worked for a SVP who had no plan. Really, he had no plan for where the business was headed. To make sure his peers never figured that out and thought his team was…

How Successful Leaders Waste Time
October 22, 2015
How Successful Leaders Waste Time

I worked with a CEO who traveled — constantly. Whenever he had the chance to fly somewhere for a meeting, he would jump on the opportunity and say “I’m there.” He simply…

5 Steps to Create a Brilliant Product Vision
October 19, 2015
5 Steps to Create a Brilliant Product Vision

You have an insight based that you think could lead to a product. Now you need a grand vision to match it. This is where many entrepreneurs and innovators in big…

Why You Should Get Back in Your Box
October 16, 2015
Why You Should Get Back in Your Box

Certain business phrases have entered our business vernacular and unfortunately stayed there. Like the notion of “work-life balance,” people who are “born leaders,” or…

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