From our CEO

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection884 articles
The Founder’s Paradox: How to Start a Company When the Time Never Seems Right
May 15, 2018
The Founder’s Paradox: How to Start a Company When the Time Never Seems Right

“What is holding you back?” That is the question I asked a job candidate who shared that they wanted to eventually start their own company. Their response was that “the…

The Chief Product Officer vs. the Chief Technology Officer
May 14, 2018
The Chief Product Officer vs. the Chief Technology Officer

Products matter. And that is why more and more companies are adding executives who are specifically focused on those products and the technology needed to ensure customer…

How to Build a Digital Transformation Roadmap
May 10, 2018
How to Build a Digital Transformation Roadmap

There is a specific type of person who gets excited about looking ahead — far ahead. The type of person who enjoys challenging what is known to be true today. Big…

You Are Not an Office Cliche
May 8, 2018
You Are Not an Office Cliche

Do business clichés make you cringe? Check out our list of some of the worst business clichés and what these annoying phrases really mean.

Aha! Wins Prestigious “Company of The Year” Stevie Award
May 7, 2018
Aha! Wins Prestigious “Company of The Year” Stevie Award

We are building a different kind of technology company at Aha! No venture funding, no offices, and no salespeople. A company that has been highly profitable from the…

Your Office Is a Zoo — Now What?
May 3, 2018
Your Office Is a Zoo — Now What?

Observe any workplace and you will find an astonishing ecosystem. Each one is filled with many creatures. Depending on the organization, you may also find a battle for…

The Founder’s Paradox: How Do You Get Out of the Details When You Care More About the Details Than Anyone Else?
May 1, 2018
The Founder’s Paradox: How Do You Get Out of the Details When You Care More About the Details Than Anyone Else?

Most founders care deeply. I know that I do. About everything that Aha! is and will be — the people and the product. About everything that does not go the way we want it…

Remote Work Is Different Than a Part-Time Job
April 30, 2018
Remote Work Is Different Than a Part-Time Job

Everyone wants to work remotely. I know this because I receive messages from people every day who want to work remotely for Aha! — I also read a lot of misguided…

How to Question Your Boss (and Be Loved for Being Obnoxious)
April 25, 2018
How to Question Your Boss (and Be Loved for Being Obnoxious)

Rude is not always loud. Yes, the person who speaks over everybody in a meeting is a bit obnoxious. But the person fading into the corner of the room can be even worse.…

How to Measure the Success of an Enterprise Transformation
April 24, 2018
How to Measure the Success of an Enterprise Transformation

Enterprise transformations are huge undertakings. Learn how to measure the success of an enterprise transformation with these metrics.

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