AI exploration in Aha! Ideas

Explore ideas with AI

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Use AI to uncover customer insights

Review feedback efficiently — from exploring high-level themes to analyzing related ideas

Reveal feedback themes to understand customer needs and inform your plans
Quickly find ideas that are similar or related to each other across categories
Run AI analysis on ideas related to a feature to summarize top use cases

Identify themes

Let AI intelligently categorize requests so you can home in on key concepts. Start with a high-level analysis to visualize ideas clustered by their major themes. You can then view ideas grouped in a theme using a list report and promote them to features or initiatives on your roadmap.

Merge similar ideas with Aha! Ideas

Merge similar ideas

No one wants duplicate ideas. Thankfully, you can use our AI assistant to keep the ideas in your portal well organized. Close clusters of dots indicate similar ideas. Hover over the dots to read the ideas' descriptions and see if it makes sense to combine them. Then, merge records as you see fit — quickly streamlining your ideas data.

Summarize ideas with AI

Want to research, prioritize, and define features faster? Run AI analysis on ideas related to features — so you can quickly understand what customers really need. Our AI assistant combs through idea comments and proxy votes to generate a note summarizing potential revenue, key use cases, and more. Supplement as needed with your own expert customer knowledge.